Looking for fibre backhaul?

Looking for tower co-location?

Looking for
tower co-location?

Looking for
fibre backhaul?

We're so much more than fibre.




0 km

speeds of up to

minimum 1Gbps
0 Gbps

We're so much more than fibre.

QCN is now providing access to more than 20,000 towers across Queensland.

We’re ready to help Wireless Infrastructure Providers too.

 QCN now manages Powerlink’s telecommunications tower and co-location services, significantly extending QCN’s network coverage well beyond its fibre footprint. QCN has access to a pool of 20,000 existing towers on Powerlink’s network, enabling cost-effective market expansion for Internet Service Providers (ISPs) delivering services into regional Queensland.

Since its inception in early 2020, QCN has driven a ten-fold increase in delivered capacity across the combined 13,000km fibre networks of Energy Queensland and Powerlink, breaking down the digital divide for regional Queenslanders.

Connect with us today.