Looking for fibre backhaul?

Looking for tower co-location?

Looking for
tower co-location?

Looking for
fibre backhaul?


Non shared, secure, high capacity, bandwidth.
Fast connection, speed to market.


With access to more than 20,000 towers, we offer co-location and tower backhaul for easy scalability.


QCN’s Co-location service leases tower space to customers to facilitate the construction of wireless networks. This offers speed in the network’s construction, and flexibility in its continual development.

Our 20,000 towers, are available for co-location.

Tower Backhaul

Tower backhaul introduces a co-location service that connects back to your nbnTM network.

This increases the ease and speed of your network construction with optimal security.

Our use of Dense Wavelength-Division Multiplexing maximises speed.

Partner Programs

With our Partner Programs, you choose whether we sell fibre for you, to you, or with you.
This is how we deliver coverage, capacity, and competition.

Optimise your assets

Our Sell for You Partner Program focuses on utilising your assets to their full potential. Once we have access to any asset, we will sell its capacity, sharing revenue with you. 

Unlock opportunities

As a Wholesale Telecommunications Provider with over 13,000km of fibre, our Sell to You Partner Program gives customers the choice to purchase capacity from us. This enhances your connectivity at a rapid pace and unlocks regional opportunities.

Multiply your connectivity

Our Partner with You Program explores the benefit of interstate interconnection, magnifying both parties’ connectivity. Lumea is our first partner in this space, a partnership that has allowed both companies to offer their customers a complete, carrier diverse option of highest-grade capacity between both QLD and NSW.

Interested in connecting to QCN’s network?

Please leave your details below and we’ll be in touch.